Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies
Via A. Algardi, 19 00152 Roma, Italia
Tel 06-58.17.036 • Fax 06-58.09.306
Anonymous (8)
Stephen Adams
Virginia B. Allred
Arthur Aronoff
Adam Asher
Mary Gray Baker
Erik Ball
Colette and Peter Bannan
Glenda V. Bell
The Barker Family
Lindsay Schmidt Beard
The Berkley Group
James and Joan Beste
Charlene Bird
David Bird
Elizabeth Blodgett and Jonathan Don
David Bloch
Barbara Bowen
Dawn Michini Bowen
Marmie Bowman
Barbara Weiden Boyd and Michael P. Boyd
Elizabeth “Bitsy” J. Braswell
John and Tracy Brignola
Bartley Brown
Lawrence Budner
Judith Burke
Stephen A. Caffrey
Jonathan Carp
Mary Carr
Honora Howell Chapman
David Chu
Thomas Cirillo
Nicole Cleary
Luke Cocalis
Sharon Coghlan
Riva and Amnon Cohen and Family
Tura Campanella Cook and Gene Cook
Mike Critelli
Jarita Davis
J. Ari Day and Tieu-Bich Nguyen
John Decker
Aaron DeLong
Graceann and George Dempster
Carol Dell’Aquila Didier
T. Keith Dix
Dirk A. Dominick
John Donovan
Bruce Dorsey and Jennie Nerenberg
Michael Dougherty
Drinker, Biddle, and Reath, LLP
Tod and Andrea Drucker
Constance Duhamel
Janice Easton-Epner
Valentine B. Edgar
Megan Edwards & Mark Sedenquist
Karen Waldron Eggert
Laura Elliott
Margaret Day Elsner
Wally and Mary Englert
Eric Evans
James S. Farris
Rachel Stein Fernbach
Richard Fletcher
Sean Flynn
Bob Frakes
Carl and Jean Fridy
Don Fulkerson
David Fusaro
Arvin Gallanosa
Laura Gawlinski
Elizabeth Gillespie
Andy Goldman
Allison Goldstein-Berger
Philip and Pennye Goodman
Jaime Goodrich
Robert Greenberg and Susan Glaskin
Max Greene
Thomas Groves
Judith Evans Grubbs
Katherine Haan
David E. Hahm
Michael K. Halper
Kei Hayashi
Jeremy Hartnett and Jill Lamberton
Brian and Sarah Harvey
Paul B. Harvey, Jr.
Connor Hayden
Yolanda Helfrich
Libby Hess
Angela Hewett
Eric L. Hiser and Anne C. Stone
Peter Hoffman
Yvette LeFevre Hope
Amy Jacoby
Stephanie Jed
Leif Jensen
Christopher Johanson and Yvonne Petkus
Deirdre Taylor Johnson
Michael T. Johnson
Vanessa (Hill) Johnson
Brandon Jones
Melanie and Win Joy
Cathy Keane
Brian N. Kearney
Kristin Kelly
Elizabeth Keitel
Key Capital Management, LLC
Megan Kim
John Wells King Jr.
Tom and Connie Kirker
Mary Korn
Adam Kolick
Joan Korth-Bradley
Anthony and Ann Krol
Michael and Lori Krol
Tony Krol
Jasper Kubasek
Thomas Kwok
Liz & Pete Lambert
Sarah Levin-Richardson
Emily Squires Levine and Ronald H. Levine
Meredith Judy Liben
Molly Limmer
Amy Lindsay
Joseph Loli
Sandra Lucchese
Susann S. Lusnia
Michael C. Lynch
Claire Lyons
Toby MacCary
Frank Magnanimo
Matthew James Mandich
Meredith and Stephanie Marando-Blanck
Rabbi Gregory Marx
Sara Martinez
Maya Maskarinec
Anna Martin
David Martin
Paul M. McDermott
Joseph H. McDermott
Julie Perschbacher McLaughlin
Kathleen McGraw
Tim and Janine McInerney
Raina and Jigar Mehta
Dr. Mary Melton ’79 and Dr. Michael Kochman
Diana and Doug Miller
John F. Miller
Handsel and Karen Minyard
Belinda Milrod and Sally Wexler
Jane Milrod and Bill Jemas
Marion, David, and Julie Milrod
Nancy Mitton
Elizabeth Montgomery Morton
Sharon Mount
Mark Nakahara
Marden Nichols
Gail Norcross
Helen F. North
Paul O’Brien
Marilyn O’Connell
Paul O’Connell
Bill Owens
Virginia Pardo
Cindi and Vincent Pasceri
Jessica Paul
Kathryn Pauli
Dillon Peck
Samuel Pell
Penguin Random House
Diana Pittet
Tim Platt
Plymouth Square Associates
Spencer Pope
Jonathan Price
Cameron Pywell
Ellis Fruechtenicht Pollak
Stacie Raucci
Nancy Reiter
Kristen Heise Rewa
Keith R. Ridel, M.D.
Gail Behrens Robinson
Eve Romersi
Patricia Epstein Rosenberg
Katherine Rosengarten
Christopher J. Rossetti
Gregory Roux
Ian and Tamara Rubin and Family
Sylvia Rubin
Johanna Russ
Janelle Sadarananda
Andrea Sankari
Gretchen Santamour and Brian Ortelere
Jeff and Martha Saperstein
Rebecca Schindler
Sarah Scullin
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Scullin
Carol Cameron-Sears and Craig Sears
Bonnie Senko and Frankie Anderson
Beth Severy-Hoven
Amanda Shami
Henry Siegel
Howard Siegel and Robin Dow
Renee Starr and Marc Shapiro
Corbin Smith
Scott Smith
Linda Gitelson Solan
Jim and Mary Sonne
Colette Speakman and Peter Bannan
Sarah Wilbur Sprayregen
Zachary Stalberg
Starr Associates, LLP
Charles D. Stein
Dan Stella
Henry Stevenson
Deborah Stott
Andrew Szegedy-Maszak
T-Rex Chris
Joan and Stan Tabb
Kathleen Mullaney Tarby
Paul Taylor
Victoria Philp Thatte
Lindsey Todd
Rhys Townsend
Janine Tramontana
The Rev. Elisabeth E. Tunney
Henry Upton
Dawn Vahey
Vanderbilt University, Department of Classical Studies
Joel Walker
Dean and Debbie Walters
Tom and Joan Watson
David and Kristine Weber
Mark Wegner
Alicia Weisberg-Roberts
Emily Williams
Williams College, Department of Classics
Barbara Wilson
Mary Woodward
James and Patricia Yearwood
Serena Zabin and Christopher Brunelle
James Zainaldin
James Zicolello
Fran and Ed Zujkowski
Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies
Via A. Algardi, 19 00152 Roma, Italia
Tel 06-58.17.036 • Fax 06-58.09.306
© Copyright 2021 – ICCS