“The Centro will change your life.”
Centristi have been saying it since our founding in 1965. The phrase is undeniably true, and the results take many forms.
Which site, museum, or artwork sticks with you?
My most vivid memories are of the ancient sites that retain a sense of the architectural spaces as they were thousands of years ago. We visited several that stand out – including Etruscan tombs at Cerveteri and Tarquinia, the Pantheon in Rome, the volcanically-preserved four-story houses at Herculaneum, and some monumental temples in Sicily – but the Basilica of San Clemente tops my list. This astounding building preserves two thousand years of political, religious, and architectural history in its very structure, since successive renovations built atop previous iterations of the building.
What advice do you have for prospective Centristi?
While we all go to the Centro because it offers an excellent program for ancient studies, make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunities to enjoy studying abroad in a living foreign culture. Look for ways to shift your academic load so you can take advantage of the only-in-Italy offerings like the Renaissance Art History class or learning basic Italian where you can use it daily. You might even consider taking a little off your academic plate in order to spend more self-directed time exploring the city.