Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies
Via A. Algardi, 19 00152 Roma, Italia
Tel 06-58.17.036 • Fax 06-58.09.306
The Donor Honor Roll lists recognize the cumulative contributions of each donor to the Centro from 10/1/09 – present. For example, a donor of two gifts of $500 will be included in the Gold category, along with donors of one gift of $1,000. We plan to continue this method of updating the honor roll, as it will be easier to recognize our generous supporters on the website in this manner. We apologize for any errors in the list. If you see any mistakes, please contact Reagan Ward at (512) 253-7553 or rward@TheCentroRome.org so we can correct them immediately.
We are also happy to announce the formation of the Centro Society, a group created to recognize those who have included ICCS in their wills. Estate gifts are vital to ensuring that the Centro provides an outstanding education to our students.
Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies
Via A. Algardi, 19 00152 Roma, Italia
Tel 06-58.17.036 • Fax 06-58.09.306
© Copyright 2021 – ICCS