Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies
Via A. Algardi, 19 00152 Roma, Italia
Tel 06-58.17.036 • Fax 06-58.09.306
Stephen Adams
Joel Allen, in memory of Barbara Rich
Nolis Arkoulakis
Sally Armstrong
Stephen Armstrong
Stephen Aronson
Collette Bannan
Michael Barich
Tracy Barrett
Glenda Vaughan Bell
Aaron Bembenek
Jennifer Blatchford Kleinbach
Tolly Boatwright
John Bodel
Deborah Boedeker and Kurt Raaflaub
Suzanne Deal Booth
Anthony Bozanich
Susan Blair Brew
Andrew Bridges
Susan Brumfield
Cathy Buchanan and Peter Hartley, in honor of Greg Bucher and Michael Maas
Gregory Bucher and Christina Clark, in honor of Kurt Raaflaub and Deborah Boedeker
Peter Burian and Maura High, in memory of John Arthur Hanson and John Stambaugh
Judith Burke
Elizabeth and Kenneth Burton
Jonathan Carp, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Francis Cavagnaro
Honora Howell Chapman
John and Laurie Chester
Kristina Cheung
David Chu
Patricia Ciaccio
Alma Mazer Colburn
Susan Collings
Daniel Codray
Kathleen Coyle
Mike Critelli
Susan Crudgington
Linda Castiglia Danford, in memory of Dorothy Clift, Spring ’70
Clint Davis
Jarita Davis
Margaret Day
Mr. and Mrs. John DePledge, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Robert DesMarais
Mark K. Dietrich
Dustin Dixon
Lydia Belknap Duff
Stephen L. Dyson
Margaret Day Elsner
Eric Evans, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Kaywin Feldman, in honor of Franco and Pina
Rocco Femia
Eric Foster and Daniela Bell, in honor of Tolly Boatwright and Wally Engler
Bob Frakes
Susan Frank
G. Edward Gaffney
Rabbi Ruth Gais, Ph.D., in memory of Benedetta Galassi-Beria
Steven Gamburg, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Laura Gawlinski
Linda Maria Gigante, in memory of Lillian and Anthony D. Gigante
Denise Gilpin
Andy Goldman
Allison Goldstein-Berger
Paula Green
John Maxwell Greene
Jaime Goodrich
Bill Grueskin and Caryl Yanow
Rosanne M. Gulino, Ph.D.
Deborah Hadas
David and Donna Hahm, in memory of Charles Babcock
Henrietta Hakes
Michael Halper
Katherine W. Hannaford
Kayla Harney
John Hartigan
Key Hayashi
Angela Hewett
Bill and Ellen Ireland
Susan Brechlin Ivers
Amy Jacoby
Deirdre Johnson
Michael T. Johnson
Brandon Jones
Padma Kaimal
Charles D. Katz
Ted Kaufman and Toby Breitstein Kaufman
John Wells King Jr.
Matthew Knox
Jack Krill and Hannah Leavitt
Lisa and Kevin Ledwith
Michael and Lori Krol, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Douglas Lacey and Cindy Silvani-Lacey
Patrick and Susan Landers
Paul Langford
Bruce Lesser, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Nena Donovan Levine
Molly Limmer
Amy Lindsay, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Kate Mitchell Lucchese, in honor of Ingrid Edlund-Berry
Michael Maas and Paula Sanders, in honor of Cathy Buchanan
Nancy Mace
Louise and Donald Maier, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Ronald C. Markoff
Rabbi Gregory Marx, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Mary Marks
Thomas R. Martin ad Ivy S. Sun
Tom and Eileen McGinn
Kathleen McGraw
Kathleen McNamee, in memory of John Oates
Hannah Megathin
David Miller, in memory of Benedetta Galassi-Beria
Alice Milrod, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Susan Milrod, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Alexandra Minkovich
Jane Minot
Mr. and Mrs. Handsel Minyard, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Livy and John More
Sharon Mount
Andrew Neal and Holly Harrison
Gail Norcross
Claudia B. Ocello
Richard S. Order, in honor of Professor Harry Evans and Professor Tolly Boatwright
Ann O. Koloski-Ostrow and Steven Ostrow, in honored memory of Benedetta and Giancarlo Galassi-Beria
J. David Parker, in memory of Benedetta and Giancarlo Galassi-Beria
Jessica Paul
David J. Perry
Lauren Petit, in honor of Harry Evans, Ruth Gais, and Keith Dix
Jeremy and Amanda Prager, in honor of Professor Francis Newton
L. Keith Reed
Hugh Regan, in memory of Benedetta and Giancarlo Galassi-Beria
Carol Relihan, in honor of Kathleen Barrett Relihan
Kristen Rewa
Thomas W. Richardson
Keith R. Ridel, M.D.
Deborah H. Roberts
Eve Romersi
Patricia Rosenberg
Richard Rosenthal
Christopher J. Rossetti
Sonia Sabnis
Daniel Sack
Janelle Sadarananda
Maria Schneider and Roger Westerman
Robert Schriver
Ann and Darby Scott
John Semel
Bonnie Senko, in honor of Professors John Stambaugh,
Julia Haig Gaisser, and Harry Evans
Julia L. Shea
Henry Siegel, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Linda Gitelson Solon, in memory of Benedetta and Giancarlo Galassi-Beria
Sam and Rosanne Spear, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
Nicholas Stanley-Price
Seth and Ellen Stein
Jane Stenmark
Henry W. Stevenson, in memory of Arthur L. Stevenson
David Stonehill
Hugh Sullivan
Richard Talbert
Francis Tan and Laura Robertson
Janet Dinwiddie Tarlow
William Torchiana
Renee Trepagnier
Theresa Trzaskoma
The Rev. Elisabeth E. Tunney
Charles and Virginia Vance, in memory of Professor Reginald Foster
Cornelis Van Vorst
Caroline Waxler and Michael Levitt
Frances White and Harry Evans, in honor of the Centro Staff
Amanda Wilcox
Elizabeth Taylor Yarnall, in memory of Charles Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Yearwood, in memory of Anthony J. Krol
James Zainaldin, in honor of Garth Tissol
Anne Zartarian
John D. Zidik
Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies
Via A. Algardi, 19 00152 Roma, Italia
Tel 06-58.17.036 • Fax 06-58.09.306
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